동아리 활동보고

2022-2학기 6회차 활동 보고서

승인된 서류

승인 (2023.02.11. 01:04:11)

활동 기간 2023. 02. 10. 19:06 ~ 2023. 02. 10. 19:06

2. Why do people feel lonely?


When do you feel lonely?

- When I do nothing, I often feel lonely.

- Always I feel lonely.

- I sometimes feel lonely, but I feel better soon.


On the other hand, when do you not feel lonely even when you are alone?

- When I watch Netflex or Youtube, I don't feel lonely.

- When I have something to do.

- When I feel happy.


When you are lonely, what do you do? (or how to deal with loneliness)

- I just sleep.

- I go out and walk around.

- I watch Youtube or listen to music.


 We have friends and family. But Why are We still so lonely?

- It's just natural thing.

- I really don't know.


Do you think loneliness is harmful?

- yes. I heard that feeling loneliness is more harmful than smoking.

- Yes. I think loneliness is very harmful.


What are the positive effects of loneliness?

- Make me focus on myself.

- Nothing.

동아리 활동보고

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