동아리 활동보고

2022-2학기 4회차 보고서

승인된 서류

승인 (2022.05.30. 14:42:57)

활동 기간 2022. 04. 13. 20:00 ~ 2022. 04. 13. 21:30

함께 FRIENDS를 보고 일상 표현에 대해 이야기를 나누었으며 토론 주제를 정하여 찬반토론을 진행했습니다. 


새롭게 알게된 표현

Stop beating on yourself

so be there or be square.




i hated it even more when you are gone.

this sentence reminds me a movie name ‘10 things I hate about you’

in this movie, a girl named cat said like this when she announced her poet in front of her class. “~”so because the movie’s mood was really close to sam’s, this sentence was memorable. also I empathize with sam that when I like someone mo matter who it is, I become to like everything he or she has. for example one of my best friend’s interest and style is very different with me. she love street fashion and listen to j-pop, she talk a little bit straightforwardly and she can say no when she want to say so. at first it felt unfamiliar to me because we are so different. but the time passed and we become close together everything she got looked so lovely and charming to me. and right now I am so proud of her and so thank you for having a friend like her.



that’s all that really matter.

I think newton high school should be a place that’s inclusive of all students.



when I do like someone

I spare no cost and time even though I am having a tough time.

and I am happy when the person I like feels happy.

makes me better person.

I get interest in the things that someone likes.

for example almond muha

what do you do when you like or love someone?

I was the idea that he tries to see the love.



sometimes I wish it would snow and never stop snowing.

-when do you want to let it snow?

I was touched at the scene that paige and sam were in elgloo together. he was a little clumsy at appoloziment but it was real and warm. when he said I am really really sorry for hurting your feeling. I think about did I apolozige like that before and I am wondering do you have a memory about apolozige.


동아리 활동보고

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